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Kuchar parts made for

Case IH

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Concaves & Separating Grates

Kuchar All Crop Concaves can be used in corn, beans, milo, wheat, and grass seed. They prevent plugging in high humidity plus give you less cracked grain. They pull easier therefore using less fuel and they do not break up the material to load the shoe for more capacity.

The Kuchar Separating Grates for Case IH combines does not tear up the material and load the chaffer for a cleaner sample in the bin.

All Crop Concaves for Case IH Flagship Combine

Kuchar All Crop Concaves can be used in corn, beans, milo, wheat, and grass seed.  They prevent plugging in high humidity, less grain on the ground plus a cleaner sample in the hopper.  They pull easier therefore using less fuel and they do not break up the material to load the shoe for more capacity.

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CASE IH case_separating_grates.jpg
CaseIH concaves & sep grates
CaseIH all crop
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